Building resilient businesses with cloud based voice 

Let’s be honest: it’s pretty rare to see voice technology at the front and centre of a digital transformation strategy.

It doesn’t get nearly as much air-time or attention as some of the more ‘exciting’ technologies like augmented reality or artificial intelligence.

But with flexible working becoming increasingly linked to job satisfaction and 78%1 of businesses citing cyber security as one of their top priorities, there’s never been a better time to invest in cloud-based voice tools.

Here’s why…

Streamlining your infrastructure


If resilience and flexibility were important in business before the Covid-19 outbreak (and they absolutely were), today they’re more critical than ever.

And your network infrastructure plays a huge part in achieving those two things, along with staying competitive and coping with ever-changing user demands.

For many organisations, the cost of maintaining a traditional phone line infrastructure is a massive drain on IT resources. And scaling that network up or down can be a time-consuming process. It can slow your business down when speed is of the essence.

Let’s look at the retail sector, for example.

28%2 of retailers say delivering and excellent customer experience is their biggest challenge. If your communications infrastructure is putting such an important goal at risk, something has to change. And fast.

By migrating your voice communication to a cloud network, you can create a secure, streamlined infrastructure that’s routed through an internet connection and requires much lower overheads to manage effectively.

Scale fast and securely with ease


The rise of digital transformation has shown just how much of the technology businesses use on a daily basis is entirely unsuited to rapid change.

Preserving business continuity in the face of unforeseen challenges is absolutely essential, especially when you consider that 55%3 of UK businesses experienced a cyber attack last year.

Whether it’s a malicious attack on your network or a rapid change to your operating model, key infrastructures like your phone systems have to be able to react and adapt to these challenges.

When you bring your phone systems into the cloud, you remove the need for extensive hardware, which also means any changes and updates to key systems happen in the cloud and you can roll them out almost immediately.

You can add new users or reroutreroute numbers to employees unexpectedly working from home with minimal disruption.

And the ability to monitor and update cloud software in real time makes it far easier to quickly spot and neutralise any cyber threats, ensuring key networks stay secure.

Empowering productivity

People’s expectations of the businesses they work for have never been higher.

79% of workers feel that well-connected offices are better performing and 70% feel they get more done when they work flexibly.

For employers, the message is clear: old network infrastructure is not only hampering productivity – it’s also demotivating their workforce.

Despite the growth of other forms of digital communication, voice is still at the heart of day-to-day business.

Whether it’s to a colleague or a customer, a simple phone call is often still the quickest and most personal way to communicate.

And with 78%4 of consumers expecting increased levels of human interaction through digital channels in the future, that personal touch is going to become increasingly important.

By putting voice communication into the cloud, work phone calls are no longer limited to the physical office space, which opens up a whole new world of flexible working for the business.

Freed from the limitations of only having one phone line and one handset, employees can choose to take calls at home or on the go, staying in touch and engaged with their work in a way that simply isn’t possible with a traditional telephone system.

Cloud-based voice systems are fast becoming the norm for businesses across the UK. They provide resilience, security and unparalleled flexibility for businesses, reducing reliance on legacy network solutions and excess hardware.

With the consumer landscape changing faster than ever, security threats on the rise and businesses now facing challenges that 12 months ago were almost unthinkable, now is the time to think about making the change.


1 Hiscox, “Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2019”

2  VMB Retail Week survey

3 Hiscox, “Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2019”

4 PwC, “Experience is everything: Here’s how to get it right”,


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