Panel discussion: priming networks for future technologies

As part of our 2024 Partner Connect event, we invited technologists from Ciena, Virgin Media O2, Liberty Global, and Node4 to share their thoughts on emerging technologies and their impact on network infrastructure, a key topic explored in-depth in our Ready for Impact? report.

Mathew Preston, our Head of Technical and Partner Success, moderated the panel and kicked the discussion off by reflecting on the potential of the future.

By looking beyond the here and now, Mat talked about how we all can have the foresight to be successful in the face of the massive change that these technologies will bring.

Simon Clement, Director of Technology Strategy at Liberty Global then shared his thoughts on the implications of AI.

He highlighted the transformative impact of tech like ChatGPT and predicted significant changes in network operations and everyday technology use over the next five years.

Missed our panel session? Watch the full video recording now.

Jürgen Hatheier, Chief Technology Officer, International at Ciena, shared insights into AI's potential disruption in the telecoms industry.

He stressed the importance of AI adoption for maintaining competitiveness and revenue growth, advocating a holistic approach to customer service and emphasising the shift towards decentralised data management in network building, with a focus on software-defined networking and secure APIs.

Jialin Wu, Tech and Growth Evangelist at Virgin Media O2, discussed AI integration in the workplace, citing examples of improved workflows and customer insights. She highlighted AI's role in increasing efficiency rather than replacing jobs.

Bjoern Hirtenjohann, Technologies and AI Director at Node4 showcased end-user applications and their market-driving benefits.

He addressed concerns about AI adoption, focusing on effective marketing and deployment strategies. Bjoern suggested that AI and machine learning can play a pivotal role in how we learn to profile customers and influence their behaviours. This in turn accelerates and defines how we reshape our networks to meet their needs.

On the topic of ethics and regulation, he stressed that protecting intellectual property rights in AI-generated content will be critical in also addressing common data leakage concerns.

Want to find out more about how the latest emerging technologies will impact network demand?

Download our Ready for impact? report.

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